Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Return ...


I see it has been nearly three years since I lasted posted.  There were so many PD blogs when I started, but it seems that most people have let theirs languish.  Or, at least, that was my impression when I last checked, a year or more ago.  I suppose that silence is because a lot of people move on in their careers, from PD's to "real lawyers".  A lot of my friends have certainly left our office in the past year or so.

As for me, I'm still in the trenches, fighting the good fight.  I've been promoted to senior trial attorney and now have mentoring responsibilities.

There is no question that 2009 was an extremely tough year, but things have gotten better, since then.  As with most things in life, I guess you just have to grit your teeth and get through the hard times.

Maybe I'll start posting here again.  We shall see.


And yes, the post title is a reference to a certain album released in 1987.


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