Friday, February 24, 2006


I shared this blog with another whom I know only very casually, and the response was familiar: "the blog is interesting, but I didn't quite understand all of it." Often, when I come home excited about the day, my wife gets sort of a glazed look on her face, and it is obvious that she is not following what I am saying. I'm not sure if that is because I'm not explaining well, or the fine points of the law can be so esoteric. Even though the general principles make complete sense. I often wonder if law school isn't really just an institutionalized attempt to obscure the obvious.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


In our office, we have a phone line linked directly to each of the cell blocks in the jail. And this jail is pretty big -- it holds about 3200 people. We also have a jail specialist, whose primary responsibility is to answer the phone and answer questions that the inmates have regarding the status of their cases. She's on the phone most of the day. Her desk is right outside of my office.

Needless to say, there is fair amount of skepticism about public defenders, and perhaps even some misunderstanding about our training. I have run across this myself more times than I can recount, but today, I actually found myself laughing aloud when I heard her side of this conversation.

You haven't been indicted yet.


Who is your public defender?


Who is your public defender?


Public defenders are attorneys.

Of course, this happens conversation happens enough that some are profiting from the phenomenon.