Monday, April 23, 2007

The Big 200

The 200th person was exonerated today as the result of the good work of the people at the Innocence Project and the its affiliates. It is just a little scary that so many people could have wrongly been convicted. Even scarier, I think, is the fact that science is only able to exonerate people or confirm convictions in those cases where DNA is at issue. In most robberies, thefts, and drug crimes, DNA is not in play. Yet people can be wrongly convicted for all the same reasons as they are in the high-profile murders and rapes.

For information, see the pamphlet that the Innocence Project has put together to commemorate this milestone.


Blogger William Newmiller said...

How true. My son has been wrongly convicted of murder, but for him there is not exhonerating DNA evidence. We still hold out hope for the appellate process, but the frustrating thing is that no matter what happens, incompetent investigators and unethical prosecutors have unjustly imprisoned him and eliminated the possibility of justice for the victim by cutting a deal with the most likely assailant. Details are available at

7:28 PM  

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